Stock Brokerage

International Securities Co. Ltd

International Securities Co. Ltd (ISCL) is one of the Leading Stock Broker House with ten Branches over the country. To contribute to the capital market of the country ISCL was incorporated in 1996 as a Private limited company. The company is a member of Chittagong Stock Exchange bearing Membership No.121096. To facilitate the busiest investors and the investors who do not have enough time to come to the brokerage office personally, ISCL provides real time internet trading facilities for those individual investors. To provide one stop service the company has its own Depository Participant Service with full range.
ISCL conducts its business activities lawfully with transparency and the highest level of integrity and ethical standards. The company is regulated by Securities Exchange Commission & Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. These regulatory bodies are serving as a guide to its decision making and to help it to be a skilled and world class financial institution.

Our Services

We have 10 dedicated branches across the country, 1 in Dhaka, 2 in Chittagong, and 7 in Sylhet, which provides the following services:

• BO (Beneficiary Owner) account opening.
• Internet based self-trading facilities.
• Buying & selling of shares in favour of the clients.
• Credit facilities under margin rules of share trading.
• Dematerialisation and rematerialisation of shares.
• IPO application processing.

Our Achievements

• 3rd highest turnover award from CSE in the year 2008
• 2nd highest turnover award from CSE in the year 2007
• 3rd highest turnover award from CSE in the year 2006
• 2nd highest turnover award from CSE in the year 2005

Int. Securities Company Limited

International Securities Company Limited

Trusted Wealth Builder
  • 1# Ali Biponi, Laldighirpar, Sylhet
  • 01926688443 - 45